AECOsim Building Designer Help

Visual SQL Query Builder Dialog, Where Tab

Generates a WHERE clause in an SQL database query.

Selected Table(s) Displays the table or tables which are currently selected.
Available Fields Displays the fields of the table displayed in the Table dialog.
Note: If there are joined tables selected, the table's alias appears in front of each field's name, to distinguish fields from different tables.
Where Fields Displays the field selected in Available Fields.
Operator Displays the operator selected in Common Operators or Additional Operators.
Value Displays the value selected in Value.
And/Or Displays AND if And is clicked and displays OR if Or is clicked.
Common Operators Clicking an operator enters it into the Operator column of the Where Fields list box.

Query statements containing these operators return database records that comply with the operators.

  • < — Generates a "<" character, meaning that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value less than the number keyed into the Value text box.
  • > — Generates a ">" character, meaning that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value greater than the number keyed into the Value text box.
  • <= — Generates "<=" characters, meaning that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value less than or equal to the number keyed into the Value text box.
  • >= — Generates ">=" characters, meaning that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value greater than or equal to the number keyed into the Value text box.
  • = — Generates a "=" character, meaning that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value equal to the number keyed into the Value text box.
  • <> — Generates "<>" characters, meaning that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value not equal to the number keyed into the Value text box.
Additional Operators Contains the following list of additional query operators.
  • In — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value equal to any member in parentheses (for example, (1, 2, 3, 4)).
  • Not In — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value not equal to any member in parentheses (for example, (1, 2, 3, 4)).
  • Like — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which matches what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, 'SMITH').
  • Not Like — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which does not match what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, 'SMITH').
  • Contains — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which contains what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, 'SMITH').
  • Begins With — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which begins with what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, 'SAM').
  • Ends With — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which ends with what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, `SON').
  • Matches — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which matches what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, `SMITH').
  • Is Null — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a NULL value.
  • Between — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value between the two numbers keyed into the Value text box, separated by an `and'. For example, to define the search condition "lot areas between 4000 and 8000 sq.ft.," choose the "Between" operator and into the Value text box key in "4000 and 8000".
  • Is Found In the List — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value equal to what is keyed into the Value text box.
  • Does Not Contain — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) does not have a value equal to what is keyed into the Value text box.
  • Does Not Begin With — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which does not begin with what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, `SMITH').
  • Does Not End With — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, OWNER) has a value which does not end with what is keyed into the Value text box (for example, `SMITH').
  • Does Not Match — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value which does not match what is keyed into the Value text box.
  • Is Not Null — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a non-blank value.
  • Not Between — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) has a value which is not between the two numbers keyed into the Value text box, separated by a comma.
  • Is Not Found In List — Generates a phrase that the selected column (for example, TAXES) does not have a value equal to what is keyed into the Value text box.
Value Enters an alphanumeric value into the Value field of the Where Fields list box. This value is the value against which the selected column is compared using the selected operator.
And Enters AND into the And/Or field of the Where Fields list box. This adds an AND clause to the query being generated.
Or Enters OR into the And/Or field of the Where Fields list box. This adds an OR clause to the query being generated.
Clear Deletes the row selected in the Where Fields list box.
Apply Adds the WHERE clause defined in the Where tab page into the query being generated in the SQL Select Statement text box.